To cater for the needs of the less privilege people in our neighbourhood.
Redeemed Neighbourhood lawn care and car wash services
Quarterly event to familiarize ourselves with our neighbours as well as lending a helping hand by mowing their lawns and washing their cars for free.
Sunday Morning Tea
Free cup of coffee, hot chocolate or tea for everyone on Sunday mornings. Avenue for socialization before the service starts.
Haggai Business Network
Haggai Business Network is the business and employment search arm of City of David, Newcastle and was established to help our members to succeed in life and invest in their future. The network was developed and designed to strengthen all potential business owners, professionals and members with financial and economic knowledge, through training sessions, workshops and seminars founded on sound biblical principles. Courses offered are Business Plan, Strategic Management, Change Management, SWOT Analysis, Grant Proposal, and Financial Projection.
Job search including resume development, interview techniques, cover letter, application and selection criteria guidance
The David’s court
Our vision is inspired by 2 Samuel 9.
David’s court is committed and dedicated to reaching out to the members in need and less privileged in our neighbourhood by providing materials restoring their joy and hope in the Lord.
David’s court outreach activities:
1. February back to School assist
An annual event in February where we provide food and back-to-school back-packs to children of our members and under-privileged children in our neighbourhood.
2. April Winter Wear Drive
An annual drive in April that provides winter clothing for the members in need and less privileged in our neighbourhood in the autumn preceding winter.
3. May Thanksgiving Lunch & Davidic praise concert
An annual event in May organized for the less privileged in our neighbourhoods in which a prepacked takeaway thanksgiving meal is provided to all who come, accompanied with Davidic praise and concert entertainment..
4. December Christmas Gift Box Drive
An annual Xmas box drive in December to the less privileged in our neighbourhood, sick children in the hospital and nursing home patients. This event takes place just before the Christmas season where Christmas boxes containing personal care products are packed and distributed.
5. Food Assist
For the less privileged neighbours and members.
6. Father’s day Event
Men from City of David identify men within the community that need assistance and render help to them.
7. Mother’s day Event
Women from City of David identify vulnerable women in the community and assist them by giving gifts and showing them the love of God
8. Feed a Soul
A monthly event in which we go to the parks around us to give gifts to our neighbours and assist the feeble.
Alpha & Omega health and fitness neighbourhood service
The Alpha & Omega service provides annual health and fitness assessment focusing on general health check-ups and screening for church members and general public free.
You may be screened for:
– Diabetes
– Elevated Cholesterol
– Elevated Blood Pressure
– Dental problems
Health education is also provided as needed