Our Core Values

We direct our actions and energies into the following:
City of David Core values directs our actions and energies us to fulfil our vision and mission statements.
FELLOWSHIP: We value Godly relationship and fellowship believing that men are created for relationship and fellowship with God and one other – Galatians 5:13; 1Peter 4:9
TEAMWORK AND UNITY: We value teamwork and promote unity for more is achieved for God when we come together as a team and in unity of purpose. Teamwork makes individuals more effective and focused – Psalm 133:1; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
EXCELLENCE: We value excellence as God is excellent and strive to give our best to God, raising our standard and evaluating our actions from time to time knowing that we serve a God who is excellent in nature – Phil. 1:9-10
DIVERSITY: We value diversity believing that heaven consists of people from different culture, colour, race and ethnic backgrounds. People from different race and colour are welcome and made happy – Galatians 3:28
AGAPE LOVE: We value and love people unconditionally. Man was created in the image of God who demonstrated His unique love for humanity by providing His son, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sins, and gift of life by Him – John 3:16; Genesis 1:26
INTEGRITY: We value integrity for we are the mirrors of God unto all the people. Therefore, we will conduct all our affairs in private and public in honesty and truthfulness so that the name of Jesus will not be reproached – Genesis 18:19; Deut. 19:15-16
FAMILY: We value marriage and marital fidelity for the home is the bedrock of the Church and the society. God is very much interested in marriages more so for the upbringing of children in the nature and admonition of the Lord – Genesis 2: 18-21; 1 Corinthians 7:2-3
PRAYER, FASTING AND EVANGELISM: We value prayer, fasting and evangelism. We are commanded to pray, fast and evangelise always and believe in its prevailing power. We seek for the lost souls as God demonstrated His love to the sinners as Jesus Christ died for us while we are still sinning – Matthew 28:18-20: Luke 12:23
LOST: Lost people deserve heaven as well, we are called to love the sinners and hate their sin, in line we still love the sinners as Christ died for us while we are still sinning. The nature of God is to forgive our sin and cleanse us from every unrighteousness – Luke 12:23