Title: The Profound Significance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ In the annals of human history, few events have echoed with such profound significance as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, a moment that not only...


Title: The Multifaceted Beauty of “Hallelujah”: A Tribute to a Timeless Expression of Joy and Praise “Hallelujah” – a word that transcends language barriers, cultural divides, and religious distinctions, resonating with a universal sense of...
Spiritual Gifts In The Marketplace

Spiritual Gifts In The Marketplace

As a young boy, I loved to go to buffets. I had an insatiable appetite. The sight of so many foods was a delight! At a buffet, I could eat as much as I wanted, I had variety, and I came away full and satisfied. An additional benefit, my mother was not embarrassed by...
Shopping for Jesus

Shopping for Jesus

If you look carefully, among the lights, tinsel and brightly coloured decorations at your local shopping centre, you might also see a modest display depicting a stable. All the usual suspects are there, Mary, Joseph, the animals, some shepherds and in the feeding...
Salthouse Fellowship: Good News!!!

Salthouse Fellowship: Good News!!!

Image with Caption In keeping with the principles of The Redeemed Christian Church of God Worldwide, the City of David parish has commenced house fellowships to foster unity and spiritual growth among its members. Click on the Location’s menu to find the location...